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Standard Hot Runner Control Module, ITC S20-D3C

Original price was: $279.99.Current price is: $249.99.

International Temperature Control’s rock solid “S20” series of temperature control modules provides user with an unprecedented level of dependability and ease of operation in even the harshest manufacturing environments. The field proven design and circuitry of our “S20” series of modules produce an instrument that is versatile, productive and cost effective.

During start up the advanced “Soft Start” circuitry slowly raises mold temperature in a manner which will protect heaters and safely dry out the mold. After the initial start up function, power to the heaters is increased until the setpoint is reached.


International Temperature Control’s rock solid “S20” series of temperature control modules provides user with an unprecedented level of dependability and ease of operation in even the harshest manufacturing environments. The field proven design and circuitry of our “S20” series of modules produce an instrument that is versatile, productive and cost effective.

During start up the advanced “Soft Start” circuitry slowly raises mold temperature in a manner which will protect heaters and safely dry out the mold. After the initial start up function, power to the heaters is increased until the setpoint is reached.

A multifunction digital readout displays actual temperature, while the center LED indicates power output to the mold. LED indicators are also provided for high temperature, low temperature, blown fuse, open thermocouple and reversed thermocouple alarm situations.

For those applications where additional diagnostics is warranted, the S20-D3C module is a logical choice providing display amperage draw feature by the simple push of a button

The S20-D3C modules are designed to be used with all of our standard TC-2000, 15 amp and 30 amp main frames or our exclusive panel racks designed for custom applications.

International Temperature Control’s rock solid “S20” series of temperature control modules provides users an unprecedented level of dependability, features and ease of operation. All this is a package which is the “Value Leader” of hot runner mold temperature controllers.

The S20-D3C unit utilizes microprocessor based circuitry with advanced PID control algorithm. It has also been designed to function with any of our 15 amp or high power 30 amp main frames.

The S20-D3C is equipped with an easy to understand and use pin wheel setpoint and digital “LED” readout which displays process temperature and error codes. The module is also equipped with several easy to read individual “LED’s which indicate current operating functions.

The S20-D3C module can be used as a fully automatic closed loop instrument, or as a manual power controller.

Where additional diagnostics are warranted, the S20-D3C module is a logical choice by providing heater amperage display by the simple push of a button.


  • Automatic Operation – A fully automatic instrument in which only the desired temperature needs to be entered.
  • Manual Mode – May be operated as a manual instrument in thermocouple feedback is lost.
  • Simplicity of Operation – In auto mode, just set the desired temperature on the pin wheel setpoint and turn on the power.
  • Soft Start – Automatically controls the heating of a cold mold to efficiently bake out moisture before full power is applied.
  • High & Low Temperature Alarms – If the process temperature exceeds the over or under temperature threshold the appropriate LED will display.
  • Type “J” or “K” Thermocouple – The S20-D3C module will operate with either thermocouple by simply changing the thermocouple dip switch.
  • “F” or “C” Temperature Ranges – The S20-D3C module will operate in either temperature range by changing the temperature dip switch.
  • Reverse Thermocouple – Error message in the display window.
  • Open Thermocouple – Error message in the display window.
  • Shorted Thermocouple – Error message in the display window.
  • Open Triac/Heater – Error message in the display window.
  • Shorted Triac – Error Message in the display window.
  • Over Current – If the module detects current draw in excess of 16 amps, an error message will display.


Voltage 208 to 240 VAC, single phase
Current 15 amps
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Wattage 3600
Module Power Usage Less than 3 watts, excluding load
Thermocouple Isolation Isolated from ground and supply voltage
Control Method Adaptive-Auto-Tuning PID with zero crossfire or FUZZY logic – Dip switch selectable
Physical Configuration Plugs in for easy interchangeability
Compatibility Compatible with any “G” Series housing
Size 2” wide, 7” high, 7 ½ “ deep
Weight 1 ½ pounds
Temperature Range Fahrenheit or Centigrade – Dip switch selectable
Set point 0 – 999° F (537° C)
Control Accuracy +/- 1° F (in 200° to 800° F range) (93° to 428° C)
Calibration Accuracy Better than 0.2% of full scale
Thermocouple Type- J or K grounded or Ungrounded – Dip switch selectable
Display Single LED display, 3-digit, 7 segment
Output Switch Internal solid state Triac, triggered by AC zero crossing pulses
Overload Protection Triac and load use high speed fuses, Both sides of AC line are fused
Soft Start Duration 5 Minutes
Soft Start Override Temperature 212° F (100° C)
Set point Control Precision 3 digit push-button switch direct reading resolution 1° F
Manual Power Control Manual Power Control Single turn On/Off potentiometer calibrated scale range: 0-100%
Anti-Arching Setting Method Jumper selectable
Low Temperature Indicator Red “LOW” temperature light
High Temperature Indicator Red “HIGH” temperature light
Blown Fuse Indicator Red “F1” and “F2” LED’s
Thermocouple Reversed
Indicator Display ‘tCr’
Thermocouple Open Indicator Display ‘tCO’
Manual Mode Indicator Red “MANUAL” light
Soft Start Indicator Red “SOFT START” light
Heater Load Indicator Red “LOAD” light
Shorted Triac Indicator Display ‘tSh’ and all LED’s Blink
Open Heater or Triac Indicator Display ‘t0h’ and LED’ blink
Automatic/Manual Select Turn On/Off potentiometer
Cold Junction Compensation Automatic, better then 0.02° F/F (0.01° C/C)

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